How to last longer in bed (18+) PART ONE

       How to last longer in bed (18+) 

Reaching climax faster than your 
partner is common, so don’t get down 
on yourself. Fortunately, most people 
who climax quickly can learn how to 
last longer. Exercises and lifestyle 
changes can help improve control, 
and there are lots of climax-delaying 
techniques you could try during sex.

Climax control products and 
medications could also be worth a 
shot. If your partner finishes too soon, 
try to approach the topic as a Team. 
Avoid placing blame, and let them 
know that you want to work together to 
build physical and emotional intimacy.

CHAPTER ONE (Making Lifestyle 
1. Relax and encourage yourself

Anxiety and self-doubt are major 
mood killers, so try to be optimistic. 
Approaching sex with confidence, 
self-respect, and a positive attitude

can make all the difference for both 
you and your partner. 
 Instead of dwelling on negative 
thoughts about your performance, 
think to yourself, “Sam, finishing 
fast is common and you shouldn’t 
get down on yourself. You can 
deal with this!” 
 Referring to yourself by name can 
be more effective when practicing 
positive masturbation

2. Work on lasting longer during 

Trying to reach climax as quickly as 
possible during masturbation can 
train your body to expect a quick 
finish. Masturbating a few times, a 
week and a couple hours before sex 
can help delay climax, especially if you practice lasting longer when you 

3. Start doing pelvic floor exercises

Exercising the muscles that control 
ejaculation can help you last longer. 
To identify these muscles, stop 
urination midstream and tighten the 
muscles that prevent passing gas. To 
exercise them, tighten them for 3 seconds, relax for 3 seconds, then 
repeat 5 to 10 times. 
 It might be easier at first to 
exercise while lying down or 
seated, but try to do them 
standing, too. As you strengthen 
the muscles, aim for 3 sets of 10 
repetitions per day. 
 Try to only tighten those muscles 
that help control urination and 
passing gas. Don’t just flex your 
buttocks or thighs. 
 Breathe normally as you exercise, 
and avoid holding your breath.

Tune in tomorrow for part 2

Courtesy: Queen Preshii 

#Sexeducation #Howtolastlongerinbed

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